Printing equipment and equipment industry 1.4

Section 4 Photographic Platemaking Materials Manufacturing

Photographic platemaking has always been a process in which the technology in printing production is relatively complicated and consumes a large variety of raw materials. Plain printing, embossing, gravure printing, and hole printing are all used to complete graphic ink transfer. Different printing methods In general, the materials used to make plates are different, but the photographic materials are much the same. All experienced the development from wet to film. Due to the wide variety of raw materials used in the photolithography process, it is not possible to make a statement here. The major breakdowns are as follows:

First, photographic materials

1. Luodian wet materials

It has been a century and a half since the printing industry used photolithography. During this long period of time, wet photography was used for most of the time. It was not until the large-scale supply of home-made film in the 1970s that the historic transformation of "dry-to-dry" was completed.

There are many chemicals used in wet photography, but the most important one is Luodian, which is a film forming support for wet emulsions. Luodian, also known as Cloty, is a collodion transliteration trade name. Its official name should be nitrocellulose, which is the product of the nitrification treatment of cotton fibers with concentrated nitric acid. Luodian is very easy to burn, so it is commonly known as fire cotton. Luodian, a photographic product, dissolves nitrocellulose into a mixture of equal amounts of ethanol and ether to form a gel, also known as collodion.

Wet photographic emulsion preparations such as Luodian, potassium iodide, silver nitrate and other drugs can be purchased at the store, and the factory can use it for its own use. Although the wet photographic emulsion preparation, development, thickening, thinning, and fixing operations are troublesome, it is only economically cheaper than using imported films. Therefore, the printers have to continue to use them until there is no cheap domestic film to replace them. Wet photography.

2. Gelatin dry

The photographic workers who have been standing in the darkrooms and pools for a long time, and who are suffering from the hardships of the wet version, are so desirous to replace them with dry ones. In the late 1950s, there was an attempt to carry out the "Rodene version" of technological innovation. In the mid-1960s, printing plants in Beijing, Shanghai, and other places successively developed the gelatin version and succeeded. In 1965, Beijing Xinhua Printing Co., Ltd. successfully produced a gelatinized dry plate, which was mass-produced by the factory. In addition to its own use, it was also used by some printing plants in the city and North China. In 1967, Shanghai Printing No. 2 Plant also produced a gelatin dry version, which was partially used for printing by books and magazines. It was mainly used for the shooting of printed circuit boards and transistor integrated circuit boards. In 1970, the gelatin dry workshop of Shanghai No.2 Printing Factory moved into the No.8 Printing Factory in Shanghai and became a professional manufacturer of gelatin dry production.

The Xi'an May Fourth Plant also established a gelatin dry workshop in the 1970s to produce dried gelatin. In addition to this, there are some printing houses in China that are mostly self-made gelatin versions.

The advantage of the dry version of gelatin lies in its "dryness", which overcomes the inconvenience caused to the operator due to the wetness of the wet version. Before the domestic plate-making film can not completely replace the wet version, the use of gelatin can not be said to be a helpless transition. Although the dry version of gelatin and Loddon Dry solve the "wet" bitter brain, they are all based on glass as the wet version. The bulky, fragile glass is not as good as the film.

Plate film > Second, plate-making film

One of the important features of modern industry lies in the highly specialized division of labor. The printing industry is just another integrated application technology industry. Like photographic photosensitive materials, it belongs to the technology-intensive and knowledge-intensive fine chemical processing products. It does not rely on the printing factory's own technological innovation to solve the Chinese printing industry. The best way to get wet.

1. "Yuanyuan" plate making film

Shantou Photosensitive Chemical Factory (formerly Shantou AD Photo Chemical Factory) was established in 1953. It is the earliest photosensitive material factory in China. It mainly produces AD film and photographic paper. In order to meet the needs of the printing industry for home-made filmmaking, it began to develop the printing platemaking film in 1959. In 1960, the Shantou Photoreaction Chemical Factory cooperated with the Beijing Institute of Printing Technology (the predecessor of the China Institute of Printing Science and Technology) to continue trial production of the printing platemaking film. In the autumn, eight complementary film types such as PA rigid full-color film, PB neutral full-color film, PC soft full-color film and SP special hard full-color film were successively tested and put into trial production for trial use by domestic printing factories.

In April 1964, the Materials Bureau of the Ministry of Culture and the First Light Industry Bureau of the Ministry of Light Industry jointly held a symposium in Beijing Xinhua Printing Factory to evaluate the production of the AD plate-making film for trial production by Shantou Photographic Chemical Factory. Apart from the Beijing Xinhua Printing Factory and several other printing factories, there are Beijing Printing Technology Research Institute, Shanghai Printing Technology Research Institute and other units participating in the symposium. Shantou Photosensitive Chemical Factory based on the opinions expressed by everyone, the product's formula and process has also been improved, in the fall of 1964 eight varieties of "Yuanyuan card" printing plate making official production. Among them, PB neutral full-color film won the national third prize at the National New Product Exhibition in 1964.

In addition to film for filmmaking, newspaper faxes also use film. From 1964 to 1965, Shanghai Sensitive Film Factory and Shantou Photographic Chemical Factory successively produced positive color fax films for news, postal and fax use. In 1965, Shantou Plant also produced a PT full-color fax film.

2. A large number of "Huaguang" plate-making film

The second film factory of the Ministry of Chemical Industry was established in 1972 in Neixiang County, Nanyang District, Henan Province and completed and put into production in 1977. The factory is designed to have an annual production capacity of 45 million meters of film and film, and it also has a production department and scientific research institution with a polyester-based film base. It is a large-scale specialized photosensitive material manufacturer in China (Figure 25-12). In the early 1980s, the production of "Huaguang" printing plate film was started and used by printing companies. Among them, the YZ6001 type, YQ500, and YEP1 type printing plate-making films received major scientific and technological achievement awards from the Ministry of Chemical Industry in 1983.

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Coloring book 25-12

In the 1980s, China's printing industry was in the midst of electronic color separation and computer typesetting. In order to meet the demands of printers' computer typesetting and localization of electronic color separation films, the second film factory launched Huaguang in 1986. LP6328 computer typesetting tablet and Huaguang brand GEO5100 argon ion laser electronic color separation film.

At the same time, the first film factory of the Ministry of Chemical Industry (Baoding City, Hebei Province), the Shenyang 7212 Factory, the Liaoyuan Film Factory, and the Shantou Photosensitive Chemical Factory also successively produced photosensitive films and photo papers for photogramming purposes. The advanced technology for promoting phototypesetting in the ten years provided good material security.

Guangzhou Photographic Chemical Material Factory was formerly known as "Nansu" chemical factory. It is a specialized factory in China that produces photographic flushing drugs for photography. In addition to the production of various color film processing kits and color paper processing kits, it also produces high-contrast type 20 No. 1 flush kits for printing plates, Riez type No. 202 flush kits, and electronic color plate high-temperature quick type 203 No. rinse kit. These flushing kits are used in conjunction with domestic film, which not only eliminates the printer's reliance on imported photographic materials, but also creates conditions for a large number of applications for domestically produced film.

China's plate-making film manufacturing industry started in the early 1960s. After more than 20 years of hard work, China’s printers finally realized their desire to “rely on behalf of others” and “to use software instead of software”. This should be attributed to The wisdom and hard work of China's photosensitive material manufacturing personnel.

Due to the management system, China's photosensitive materials manufacturing companies are affiliated with different systems such as light industry and chemical industry. Table 25-5 Statistics of the production volume of domestically produced plate-making film, taken from “China Light Industry Yearbook”.

Table 25-5 Production of Printed Films (Partial) Statistics Table Unit: 10,000 square meters

Annual Light Industry System Chemical System Annual Light Industry System Chemical System 19785.2 198021.7 198441.6 198554.7 198644.01 198749.66100.60198852.7144.40198939.00154.10199039.11181.40199143.26246.8019

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