HE001 Single-layer flat epithelium front view HE002 Single-layer flat epithelium slice HE003 Single-layer columnar epithelial slice HE004 Pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium HE005 Metastatic epithelium (bladder) (empty time) HE006 Metastatic epithelium (bladder) (when dilated) HE007 single Layered cubic epithelium slice HE008 Multi-layered flat epithelium slice HE009 Monolayer columnar ciliated epithelium slice HE010 Loose connective tissue slice HE011 Loose connective tissue slice HE012 Dense connective tissue slice HE013 Fat tissue slice HE014 Mesh tissue (lymph node) (silver plated) HE015 Transparent Cartilage slices HE016 Fibre cartilage slices HE017 Elastic cartilage slices HE018 Bone bone transverse grinding slices HE019 Bone bone ash removal transverse cut HE020 Bone bone ash removal longitudinal cut HE021 Bovine neck ligament slices HE022 Horse blood smear HE023 Cow blood smear HE024 Chicken blood smear HE025 Red bone marrow Smear HE026 Hard bone longitudinal wear film HE027 Rat tail longitudinal section HE028 Smooth muscle split loading HE029 Smooth muscle cross section HE030 Skeletal muscle split loading HE031 Skeletal muscle cross section HE032 Skeletal muscle cross section HE033 Skeletal muscle longitudinal section HE034 Myocardial section HE035 Myocardial split loading HE036 Cat skeletal muscle cross-section HE037? Bovine spinal cord smear HE038 nerve thin Separate loading HE039 Spinal cord transection HE040 Rabbit spinal cord transection HE041 Dog spinal cord transection HE042 Myelinated nerve fiber transverse transection HE043 Motor end plate loading HE044 Tactile corpuscle HE045 Circumferential body HE046 Rabbit brain slice HE047 Rabbit brain slice (Hematoxylin) Fine) HE048 Rabbit cerebellar slice HE049 Pig cerebellar slice HE050 Spinal ganglion slice HE051 Pig spinal ganglion slice HE052 Canine spinal ganglion slice HE053 Sympathetic ganglion slice HE054 Sciatic nerve cross-section HE055 Porcine sciatic nerve cross-section HE056 Brain cone cell slice HE057 Cerebellar pankinki cells HE058 Marrow Nerve separation and loading HE059 Nerve trunk cross-section (silver plating) HE060 Nerve trunk cross-section (HE) HE061 Heart section HE062 Sheep myocardial section HE063 Heart valve section HE064 Medium arteriovenous section HE065 Arteriovenous nerve transection HE066 Sheep aortic section HE067 Aorta Slice HE068 Large vein slice HE069 Small arteriovenous slice HE070 Mesenteric slice (showing capillary network) HE071 Lymphatic vessel slice HE072 Purkinje fiber slice HE073 Lymph node slice HE074 Pig lymph node slice HE075 Spleen slice HE076 Pig spleen slice HE077 Thymus slice HE078 Pig Thymus slice HE079 Palatal tonsil section HE080 Duck sac transection HE081 Thyroid section HE082 Porcine thyroid section HE083 Dog thyroid section HE084 Monkey intestine cross section HE085 Parathyroid section HE086 Adrenal section HE087 Pituitary section HE088 Pig pituitary section HE089 Parathyroid follicle cell section HE089 HE090 Pig adrenal slices HE091 Tongue tip slices (longitudinal tongue cut) HE092 Rabbit tongue slices (shows taste buds) HE093 Tongue slices (shows internal structure) HE094 Esophageal cross section HE095 Esophagus-cardia section HE096 Stomach slice HE097 Pig stomach slice HE098 Stomach Body section HE099 Jejunum section HE100 Porcine jejunum section HE101 Intermuscular plexus loading section HE102 Pylorus-duodenal section HE103 Duodenum section HE104 Pig duodenum section HE105 Ileum section HE106 Dog ileum section HE107 Small intestine section HE108 Appendix Slice HE109 Colon slice HE110 Pig colon slice HE111 Large intestine slice HE112 Parotid gland slice HE113 Submandibular gland slice HE114 Sublingual gland slice HE115 Rabbit liver slice HE116 Red bone marrow slice HE117 Liver leaflet slice (porcine liver) HE118 Bile duct slice HE119 Hepatic vascular injection slice HE120 Gallbladder Slice HE121 Pig gallbladder slice HE122 Pancreas slices HE123 Pig pancreas slices HE124 Rabbit intestinal transverse section HE125 Cat tongue longitudinal section (cuticle) HE126 Subauricular section HE127 Tracheal cross section HE128 Tracheal longitudinal section HE129 Lung section HE130 Pig lung section HE131 Cat lung section HE132 Pulmonary vascular injection section HE133 Epiglottis cartilage sagittal section HE134 Kidney section HE135 Bladder section (empty time) HE136 Bladder section (when dilated) HE137 Renal vascular injection section HE138 Transurethral section HE139 Testicular section HE140 Sperm smear HE141 Testicular section HE142 Epididymal section HE143 Transesophageal section HE144 Ovary Slice HE145 Corpus luteum slice HE146 Rabbit uterine whole slice HE147 Uterus (hyperplasia) slice HE148 Uterus slice (secretion phase) HE149 Cervical slice HE150 Tubal ampulla cross section HE151 Tubal cross section HE152 Umbilical cord cross section HE153 Vaginal section HE154 Breast section (active phase) ) HE155 Breast section (stationary phase) HE156 Pig uterine section HE157 Placental section HE158 Eyeball sagittal section (trans nerve) HE159 Eyeball sagittal section (without nerve) HE160 Eyelid sagittal section HE161 Tear gland section HE162 Inner ear section HE163 Pig skin section ( Hairy skin) HE164 pig Pillow section (hairless skin) HE165 Avian glandular stomach section HE166 Avian lung section HE167 Avian kidney section HE168 Horse skin section (hairy) HE16 HISTOLOGY EMBRYOLOGY HE001 Squamous epithelium scrapings from human mouth HE002 Squamous epithelium amphibian epidermis HE003 Stratified squamous epithelium HE004 Cuboidal epi HE005 Simple columnar epithelium HE006 Pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium from trachea HE007 Columnar epithelium macerated, intestinal mucosa HE008 Ciliated epithelium macerated, mouth epithelium of frog HE009 Ciliated epithelium, sec.of clam gill HE010 Transitional epithelium, wall of dder HEED Mitochondria, kidney HE013 Golgi apparatus in epithelial cells of intestine HE014 White fibrous tissue LSof rat tail showing rows of tendon cells HE015 Areolar connective tissue, white & elastic fibers & interstitial cells HE016 Mucoid tissue, from umbilical cord HE017 Reticular tissue, trom lymph gland, bielschowski stain HE018 Adipose tissue HE019 Hyaline cartilage, rabbit HE020 Elastic cartilage HE021 Fiber -cartilage HE022 Bone, human, ground thin XS HE023 Bone, human, ground thin LS HE024 Bone, developing, cartilage, type, joint of finger or head of femur of fetus HE025 Bone, developing, developing , membrane type, skull, of foetal head HE026 Blood, fish HE027 Blood, frog HE028 Blood, chicken HE029 Blood, pigeon HE030 Blood, sparrow HE031 Blood, human, Wright s stain HE032 Blood, human, H. & E HE033 Blood, rabbit HE034 Striated muscle, teased preparation showing whole fibres, nuclei, fibrillae, striations HE035 Striated muscle.XS & LSshowing nuclei, fibrillae & striations HE036 Smooth (involunatry) muscle, teased preparation HE037 Smooth muscle, XS & LS HE038 Hiatr, uscle, teased preparation showing branching character striations & intercalated disks HE039 Heart muscle LSshowing intercalated disks HE040 Muscle & tendon LS HE041 Nerve cells, section spinal cord, motor nerve cells, silver impregnated HE042 Pyramidal cells, cerebrum Golgi stain HE043 Purkinje cells, cerebellum , Golgi stain HE044 Nerve XS & LS, H. & E HE045 Spinal ganglion, LS, H. & E.showing nerve fibers & nerve cells HE046 Spinal ganglion, human LSBielschowski silver stained HE047 Motor nerve endings in intercostal muscles, gold impregnated HE048 Tongue, rabbie sec.showing taste buds HE049 Tongue, cat LSshowing thick horny layer HE050
Parotid gland, a purely serous gland
HE051 Sublingual gland, a mixed gland HE052 Palatine tonsil HE053 Esophagus XSdog upper region showing esophageal.Gland HE054 Esophagus & trachea LSof both organs HE055 Larynx oesophagus LSof both organs HE056 Esophagus & stomach LSshowing junction HE057 Body of stomach, sec, of wall showing typical fundic glands HE058 Stomachus pyloricus, sec. from lower portion of the stomach HE059 Stomach & duodenum LSof the junction HE060 Dtomach XSshowing Brunner s gland & intestinal glands HE061 Jejunum, XS typical slide for intestine with villi HE062 Lleum, XSshowing aggregated lymphoid nodules in mucosa HE063 Large , XS HE064 Appendix, human, XS HE065 Liver, human HE066 Liver, pig, fibrous trabeculae between lobules HE067 Liver, rabbit, stained to show glycogen HE068 Gall bladder, XS HE069 Bile duct, XS HE070 Pancreas, secreting acini & islands of langerhans HE071 Trachea, XSciliated epithelium, cartiage & fibrous tissre HE072 Trachea, LS HE073 Lung, human, general structure HE074 Lung, rabbit injected HE07 5 Lung rabbit, thick sec, of pattern of alveoli, in relation of bronchioles HE076 Heart, rat XSthrough atrium cordis HE077 Heart, rat, LS HE078 Aorta, human XSHE & elastic tissue stain HE079 Artery, & vein, elastic tissue stain as above HE080 Vena cava, XSelastic tissue stain HE081 Spread of rat mesentery, tained to show blood vessels HE082 Kidney, human, sec.cortex & medullar with glomerulus tubules HE083 kidney, guinea-pig LSof whole organ through pelvis HE084 Kidney, rabbit, section, blood vessels injected HE085 Ureter, XS HE086 Urinary bladder HE087 Ovary, rabbit, ses.for general structure, numerous developing eggs HE088 Ueerine tube (oviduct), human, sec, through ampulla HE089 Uterus, XSof entire uterus of rabbit, showing all coats HE090 Placenta, human , sec.showing chorionic villi, etc. HE091 Umbilical cord, human XS HE092 Testis, human, showing general structure HE093 Spermatozoa, human sperm smear HE094 Bull, sperm smear HE095 Sheep, sperm smear HE096 Rabbit testis, fixed & stained for mitosis, best slide for sper matogenesis HE097 Rabbit, sperm smear HE098 Guinea pig testis, fixed & stained for mitosis, Best slide for spermatogenesis HE099 Guinea pig, sperm smear HE100 Epididymis, tubules filled with Spermatozoa HE101 Vae deferens, human, XS HE102 Prostate HE103 Cerebrum, rabbit, impregnated with silver HE104 Cerebellum, rabbit, impregnated with silver HE105 Whole brain, rabbit LS HE106 Spinal cord, silver impregnated X..S. showing motor cell nerve fiber HE107 Ear, internal cochlea (organ of corti) guinea pig HE108 Ear, internal near median sec .of guinea pig cochlea HE109 Eye, cornea, human fibrous tissue, stratified epithelium HE110 Eye, iris, radial sec HE111 Retina sec, human HE112 Lacrimal gland, human, a typical serous gland HE113 Eyelid, human, vertical sec.showing Meibomian glands HE114 Skin, human, from axillary showing sweat glands, hair follicles etc HE115 Scalp, human, showing hair follicles & sebaceous glands HE116 Skin, section from rabbit foetus showing developing hair HE117 Finger nail XShuman, finger through the nail bed HE118 Tail of mouse, XSshowing variety of tissues HE119 Mouse foetus head entire LS HE120 Lymph gland LSsection showing nodules with their centers, medullary, capsule etc. HE121 Lymph gland smear showing different kinds of cells HE122 Spleen, sec HE123 Red bone marrow , sec HE124 Red bone marrow, smear HE125 Thyoid gland HE126 Thyroid & parathyroid gland HE127 Thymus gland sec HE128 Adrenal gland sec. HE129 Pituitary body (hypophysis) sec. HE130 Frogtestis, section of mature spermary showing mature & developing sperm cells HE131 Frog ovary, sections showing developing eggs HE132 Frog, uncleaved egg typical section HE133 Frog, early cleavage, typical cross section HE134 Frog, late cleavage, typical XS HE135 Frog, blastula, typical, XS HE136 Frog, early gastrula, typ, sag.S. HE137 Frog , yolk plug or gastrula, typ, sag.S HE138 Frog, 3-mm.embryo, wmof transparent stained specimen HE139 Frog, 3-mm.embryo, sagittal sec HE140 Frog, 3-mm, embryo XSthrough optic vesicle HE141 Frog, 3 -mm, embryo XSthrough au ditory vesicle HE142 Frog, 3--mm, embryo XS through mid -gut & liver HE143 Frog, 3-mm, embryo frontal section through anterior brain, liver & hindgut HE144 Frog, 6-mm.embryo, wmof stained transparent specimen HE145 Frog , 6-mm.embryo typ.sagittal sec HE146 Frog, 6-mm.embryo, XSthrough opitc cup HE147 Frog, 6-mm.embryo XSthrough auditory vesicle HE148 Frog, 6-mm.embryo XSthrough pronephros HE149 Frog, 6-mm. embryo frontal sec.through nasal pit & visceral pouches HE150 Frog, 10-mm.embryo, wmof stained transparent specimen HE151 Frog, 10-mm.embryo, typ. Sagittal section anterior part HE152 Frog, 10-mm, embryo XSthrough eye. HE153 Frog, 10-mm.embryo, XSthrough ear HE154 Frog, 10-mm.embryo, frontal sec.through nose, eye & earPvc Semi Privacy Fence,Semi Private Fence,Pvc Private Fence,Pvc Semi Pool Fence
ZHEJIANG DEQING GONAT FENCE CO.,LTD , https://www.gonatpvcfence.com