Yoga is not only the movement of the body, but also one of the ways to regulate the inner balance. Before practicing yoga, begin to meditate while taking a deep breath, concentrate your spirits in one place, and bring yourself into a state of complete concentration. Learn how to eliminate negative thoughts, adjust anger and fear as you move gently. Persistence in practicing yoga not only makes the stiff body soft, but also the peace of mind. Wake up in the morning, sit on the bed and do yoga exercises, help the blood circulation, detoxify, and refresh the day from the early days.
Spinal torsion
Lying on the back, knees bent, feet flat on the bed, arms spread out on both sides of the body. Slowly put your knees to your left side, while your eyes look to your right side, try to make yourself feel comfortable, let your shoulders stick to the bed, relax the upper part of the body, keep this action for 5 to 10 seconds Clock, then slowly return to the initial position. Re-do the right side and do 3 times on each side of the body .
Cat stretching
Kneeling on the ground, hands on the ground. Pull your abdomen toward your spine, head down, and body round. Keep this action and take 3 deep breaths. Relax slowly, put your abdomen on the ground, bow your back, lift your head, and look at the ceiling. Keep this action, take 3 deep breaths, then return to the initial position. Do it 3 times.
Knee chest movement
Lying on the back on the bed, straighten your legs, lift your left leg, and put your hands behind your thighs. Gently pull your knees toward your chest until you feel a slight stretch on the back of the thigh. Keep this action for 5 to 10 seconds. Don't let go of your hand, lift your head and lift your forehead to your knees. Hold it for another 5 to 10 seconds and then slowly return to the initial position. Change your left leg to do it again. Do 3 times for each leg .
Knee movement
Point your knees to your chest and wrap your arms around your thighs. Keep this position for 5 to 10 seconds. Then don't let go of your arm, raise your head, lift your forehead to your knees, hold this position for 5 to 10 seconds, then slowly relax and do 3 times.
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