EU Banus Project: Developing New Barrier Food Packaging

The Spanish Institute of Plastics Technology (Aimplas) has participated in the Banus research project. The main goal of the project is to ensure the safety of functional barriers in food packaging, regardless of the quality of recycled materials.

The Banus project received financial assistance as part of the EU's Seventh Framework Program. It began in July of last year with a plan duration of 24 months and a budget of 1.1 million euros. The project consists of nine organizations from six different countries, including Aimplas.

The Banus project was established to ensure efficient barriers to food packaging and to maintain food safety when using plastic and paper recycled materials, even if the material came from an unauthorized food packaging recycling process.

Aimplas spokesperson said: “Aimplas, as an expert in plastic materials and processing, participates in the Banus project to study and test material mobility, initiate the co-extrusion of plates, thermoforming and lamination pilot program. In addition, Aimplas is the coordinator of the Banus project. ”

“With the development of Banus, Aimplas hopes to increase its technical knowledge on the development of multilayer barrier food contact packaging processes and materials in order to use recycled materials in the packaging structure. This will help increase the competitiveness of the EU packaging industry,” she said. .

The 7th Framework Programme (FP7) is the EU’s most invested global technology development program. The European Commission launched its seventh technological framework plan on January 1, 2007, with a total budget of 50,521 million euros. The EU Seventh Framework Program is the largest official and major scientific and technological cooperation program in the world today. Its research focuses on international frontiers and competitive scientific and technological difficulties. It has the characteristics of high research level, wide coverage, strong investment, and many participating countries. The Banus project involved the use of recycled plastic and paper in barrier packaging.

Aimplas spokesperson said: “Aimplas, as an expert in plastic materials and processing, participates in the Banus project to study and test material mobility, initiate the co-extrusion of plates, thermoforming and lamination pilot program. In addition, Aimplas is the coordinator of the Banus project. ”

“With the development of Banus, Aimplas hopes to increase its technical knowledge on the development of multilayer barrier food contact packaging processes and materials in order to use recycled materials in the packaging structure. This will help increase the competitiveness of the EU packaging industry,” she said. .

The 7th Framework Programme (FP7) is the EU’s most invested global technology development program. The European Commission launched its seventh technological framework plan on January 1, 2007, with a total budget of 50,521 million euros. The EU Seventh Framework Program is the largest official and major scientific and technological cooperation program in the world today. Its research focuses on international frontiers and competitive scientific and technological difficulties. It has the characteristics of high research level, wide coverage, strong investment, and many participating countries. The Banus project involved the use of recycled plastic and paper in barrier packaging.

(For details, please refer to: )

[Note] China Packaging Information Network is the official website of China Packaging News and China Packaging Industry Magazine.

Contact: Gu Yingyi Mobile Phone

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