When it comes to lightweighting outdoor equipment, I have always heard people say this:

First, for the light weight of outdoor equipment like to add good, bad, safe and insecure value judgments:
Although I have implemented lightweighting of outdoor equipment, I never think that the lightweighting of mountaineering is good, that is, how it is, and even what is required is that the partner who is climbing together should also be lightweight.
The reason for this is, I honestly say, is that because of their lightweight, I can only see the disadvantages and blind spots of lightweight. Therefore, I do not think that lightweighting is good or bad, right or wrong, such simple right and wrong, but you The question of whether you don't understand, need, understand, and execute is correct. I often see the discussion of lightweighting of outdoor equipment on the Internet is only one-sided praise or one-sided criticism. However, it is unclear what these discussion discussions have to do with lightweighting. What is lightweight outdoor equipment? What does it mean in the end that you don't understand, how do you evaluate how good it is?
I think that the most basic requirement for outdoor climbing is the satisfaction of safety and fun. Therefore, lightweight climbing is a method that you can combine with experience and skills to reduce the weight of equipment and reduce equipment, so that you can meet the safety and fun needs of mountaineering. Because it is a method, you certainly can choose not to take it because it is a method so it has processes and steps, and because it is a method, so of course there will be advantages and disadvantages afterwards. There is no way to be perfect. Is not it!
What's the point? You have to assess your needs - do you need to be lightweight? If I don't need why I should take this approach? As long as everyone can be light, but the focus is not everyone "needs" outdoor equipment light Quantify. Those who advocate light weight often fall into this blind spot without knowing it. Lightweighting certainly has its advantages. However, this method is only one of the “options†for mountaineering activities, that is to say, it is not necessary to meet your needs. With the choice to decide instead of beautifying light weight to be the only truth for mountaineering, adopting a lightweight approach to mountaineering is just a method rather than a right or wrong choice, as I often say: “As long as it meets the needs of safety and fun The weight of the backpack is not right or wrong!"
There are many ways to meet the needs of mountaineering safety and fun, that is, to meet the needs of the same purpose but the methods adopted may be different. Lightweighting is to achieve the lightweight equipment that can be achieved on the premise of satisfying the safety and fun of mountaineering. Tips and methods. Therefore, please consider the lightweighting of mountaineering as a method of choice, rather than the right and wrong of belief. There is no need to add too much value to it. There are many discussions that deviate from the choice of method and the level of implementation, but only in good and bad. In the polar evaluation. What matters is both good and bad, and what methods are adopted also have their shortcomings. The key is to use the advantages to avoid shortcomings, and only to say good or bad. This means that you do not understand light weight at all.

Second, climbing is lightweight:
Lightweight = spend money, this is probably the most frequently heard or seen the comments on the lightweight outdoor climbing, and even worse, some people write that light weight always comes from money, at first glance makes sense, but in Before or after you say this sentence, can you answer the following questions by the way: How much money have you spent on lightweighting? What weight have you achieved with money? Can you achieve any weight reduction? In addition to spending money, you also What can be done for lightweight outdoor equipment?.
Did you get the answer? Or can't you answer it? Did you think that you're the same person? Obviously, you don't spend any money on lightweighting. Please don't say that lightweighting is money, or that you can lighten money but find that it's not that time. Something, because it costs money to be light, this is where the manufacturers lied to you! Only the people who want to earn your money will tell you that it will be lighter if you spend money, because when you have this kind of cognition, you will be silly and money Isn’t it time to buy what they call lightweight outdoor equipment? So from now on, don’t believe this lie anymore, just spend money on what is lightweight? And there are so many things, including your most important head is that you spend it again More money to buy more lightweight equipment is also not lightweight.

Third, it was thought that buying the so-called lightweight equipment is climbing lighter:
Rich money, of course, very good and very cool, but I'm sorry, some things can not be bought with money! The same to buy a lightweight outdoor equipment does not mean that you have achieved a lightweight mountaineering! The process of lightweighting in mountaineering and In the method, outdoor equipment is only one part of it. Do not think that it is the lightest weight because it can directly reflect the quantified figure in lightweighting. The correct concept and skills are always more important than outdoor equipment. It is one thing that you should understand whether you want to be lightweight or not. You can of course spend money on the world's lightest outdoor equipment in your backpack, but I'm sorry that these equipment meet your needs? These equipment do not have the concept, knowledge and skills that can not make you safe and fun What is the lightweight outdoor equipment? What's worse is those who think that lightweight outdoor equipment can be different!

Fourth, lightweight outdoor equipment is expensive and not durable, not useful:
What is outdoor gear? Equipment is just a tool, it has no life, it is designed to be used to achieve its purpose, and because it has no life, so it requires users to use it, and it is used correctly. According to the correct method, used in the right place, if the user will not use, incorrect use, how do you expect the tool to perform its functions?
In fact, whether or not the outdoor equipment is light or heavy is just a tool. It is important that you understand it correctly and use it, instead of not using it or using it incorrectly to say that the equipment is not good. It will not bite you, but just say that before equipment is not good you should think about whether the equipment you buy meets your needs, and whether you know it correctly and use it? The value and good and bad of equipment Only by deciding whether it can meet the needs of the user and whether it can be used correctly, so the user - you are the soul of the equipment!
Please understand one thing: The weight of lightweight equipment must be sacrificed in some places, but this sacrifice does not necessarily reflect comfort and durability. Before you use lightweight equipment, What is clear is the use of these lightweight equipment is the use of restrictions? Need to cooperate with the skills and related plans? Do not think that buying a lightweight outdoor equipment is the solution to all problems of mountaineering lightweight, or the result is often stupid to spend money Did you find that the lightweight equipment is not as beautiful as you might expect, and that you want the perfect equipment that is light, powerful, and cheap? Sorry, it hasn't been invented yet!

5. I can't climb a mountain because it must be how and what I want to climb:
Because of the difference in ability and demand, everyone in a mountaineering activity has different conditions for safety and fun to be satisfied. It is only one way to satisfy these safety, fun, and “comfort†needs. It is necessary to teach you how to meet the demand by means of equipment weight loss, equipment reduction methods and skill cooperation. Therefore, don't do it because you don't want to do it, because it seems to me just an excuse!

Sixth, because of how and why I am, I am climbing lightly:
In recent years, lightweighting is really very red, because everything can be light and lightweight, light weight = light weight? FASTPACKING = lightweight it? Trail Running = lightweight it? Even back light, with less light Quantify it? That's not necessarily! I think the lightweight way of expression does not lie in what you want to challenge, what to pursue, and more than just show the weight of the contest, after all, it is just a way to use equipment for your mountaineering needs reduction Quantity, weight loss and the correct ideas and techniques to meet the method.
The lightness, quickness and lightness of a person's back don't necessarily lead to the equal sign. Along the way, I believe that the focus of lightweighting is on building ideas, understanding needs, and continuing practice, learning, and review during the process. There is no need to stick to the results. The figures presented are not as important as the knowledge, experience, and skills required in the process, because the surface meanings of 4 kg, 3 kg, and 2 kg are far from the surface. Just looking at weight can't show true weight reduction results, but using these things can not meet your needs. Only you know.

7. What are the top and lightweight outdoor equipments that we love to use?
Top outdoor equipment, this adjective is not an exaggeration, I have also seen what a brand says mountaineering LV, but I almost laughed at the big teeth! What LV, I also Chanel! And even LV is great On the way to the street, there is a disgruntled man. The food market and the night market are full, so with the LV, can you increase your personal value? And what LV can you wear to bring you security and fun? These are just illusions!
Some outdoor brands want to cheat money out of the pockets of consumers. How can you hook up without exaggerating adjectives? This top-level, light-weight is the most commonly seen slogan in recent years, but it is often the most popular ones. . The only thing you don't understand is that what is generally called in the market is the price of the top finger rather than design and performance. The so-called light weight usually represents only a little bit of weight loss but it increases the price two or three times more than the original price. , I think this top and light weight is really only suitable for people wearing whole body mountaineering LV to buy.
Mountaineering is not an arena that is more like a brand name or equipment, and puts its own needs in front of brands and vanities because these are more practical and practical things. Even if you wear a LV in the mountaineering world, you won't get the slightest respect from others. Even if you have these high-end outdoor equipment, you can't guarantee your safety and fun. Therefore, please don't put the so-called top-level and lightweight The publicity slogan hangs around, which often only highlights your ignorance!
The use of words in this article is straightforward, but I think this explanation should make it easier for everyone to see what I want to say. After all, reading too much and there is too much paradox is really vomiting. , and in-depth look behind these remarks often reflect outdated ignorance. Basically, I personally hate people who only have one mouth, people who hate not to understand, and those who hate to understand or have a mouth. As the saying goes, “I know it as knowing, I don’t know it, I don’t know how to read it, and I don’t understand it. It's not terribly wrong! Lightweight is not a right or wrong argument. It's just a method. If you really want to take a Please do your homework to understand what it is, and use your skills to accumulate your experience in the process. If you really want to criticize the climbing lightweight friend, ask you to really implement the lightweighting of the mountain and put forward your actual experience. And the practice, or a light mouth is not one of the real methods of lightweight hiking!
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