Development of Fast Solid Acrylate Structural Adhesive (4)

4 fast solid acrylic resin structure adhesive production process

4.1 Formula composition and raw material consumption quota

The formula composition and raw material consumption quota based on the 1t product indicate the following raw material specifications.
A component methyl methacrylate Industrial 180~220
Hydroxyethyl methyl propionate Industry 30
Nitrile rubber (solid) Industry 35~50
Cumene Hydroperoxide Industry Small amount of methacrylate enhancer Homemade 15
B component methyl methacrylate industrial 120~180
Hydroxyethyl methyl propionate Industry 35~95
Nitrile rubber (solid) industry 30~40
Reducing agent amines Small amounts of methacrylic acid Industrial 15

4.2 Process flow

The methyl methacrylate, stabilizer and pigment (red) were put in a gelatinization tank, and after stirring and dissolving, hydroxyethyl methacrylate, reinforcing monomer, and nitrile rubber that had been refined were placed in that order, and the rubber was placed at room temperature to make rubber. Swelling. Then, the hot water was heated in the jacket and stirred. The temperature in the kettle was kept at 55-70°C for 3-6 hours until the nitrile rubber was completely dissolved and the heating was stopped. Cool, add peroxide to stir evenly, and get A component. After the methyl methacrylate and the pigment (blue) were added into the gelatinization tank and stirred and dissolved, hydroxyethyl methacrylate, reinforcing monomer, and nitrile rubber that had been refined were put in order, and the rubber was swollen at room temperature to heat the mixture. Water heating into the jacket. Stir mash, put methacrylic acid and reducing agent at 50~60°C,
And heat and stir 6h, stop heating, then cool and add accelerator stirring hook, the material B component.

5 Fast Solid Acrylate Structure Adhesive Formula Example

[Formulation] 1 Primer SGA

group     Minute

Quality parts

group     Minute

Quality parts

Methyl methacrylate


Isobenzene hydroperoxide






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