Composite flexible packaging process reproduction

Editor's Note: With the development of economy and the constant progress of science and technology, the proportion of composite flexible packaging in the entire packaging industry is increasing with its unique advantages. The application field of flexible packaging is continuously expanding and the application level is also expanding.

This series of topics such as cooking bags , aluminum foil packaging, and flexible packaging solvent residues have also been mentioned in this issue. The topic of this issue will focus on the application and technology of composite flexible packaging in the past. I hope to have a certain inspiration for related industries.

â–²Composite flexible packaging materials and applications

The so-called composite flexible packaging material, that is to say the packaging material is composed of two or more layers of composite materials, the surface is a decorative layer, generally have a printed pattern (a certain function, such as moisture, oxygen, etc.), the middle of the general It is a functional layer (gas barrier, shading, etc.), and the innermost layer is the heat seal layer.

The composite packaging material is a multi-layer structure formed by laminating, extrusion veneering, co-extrusion and the like to combine several different properties of the base material to meet the requirements of the packaging function for transportation, storage, sales, and the like. The special requirements of these products. Of course, in a broad sense, this multilayer structure also belongs to the category of composite materials. For example, formerly fried chips are packaged in paper bags and must be sold immediately after production because moisture will make it soft, oxygen will make it rancid, and the oil in the chips will penetrate into the wrapper. Wax paper was used to improve the moisture resistance of the wrapper, which is the first multilayer structure. However, a single substrate improvement is very limited. Today, potato chips and numerous other foods can be transported and stored for several months over long distances. This is because the packaging formed by the multilayer structure can effectively exert dust, stains, gas, fragrance, transparency (or opacity), and UV, decorating, printing, easy to use mechanical sealing and other functions. Many modern packaging technologies, such as vacuum packaging, gas replacement packaging, enclosed deoxidizer packaging, dry food packaging, aseptic filling packaging, cooking packaging, liquid hot filling packaging, etc., are all closely related to the development and application of composite packaging materials.

normal> material material

Normal > Application of adhesive for paper-plastic composite flexible packaging

Normal > Composite flexible packaging green material requirements

Normal > Adhesive for composite flexible packaging ( top ) ( bottom )

Normal > Composite flexible packaging heat sealing layer material

Normal > Selection of adhesives for composite flexible packaging

Next: pay attention to a study on the economics of the package: an essential element of the boutique beer corrugated box
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