Get ready for the ultimate eco-drop! This October, Noughty is launching Limited Edition Zero-Waste Scrunchies, and they’re not just cute — they’re doing serious good for the planet and people. Made from upcycled textile waste, no two scrunchies are alike, meaning your style stays as unique as you. But these scrunchies aren’t just about fashion—they’re about empowering women and reducing waste in one beautiful package.

Skin Care

Skin care is at the interface between cosmetic and dermatology, traditional medical disciplines; each subject has some overlap. The Food, Drugs and Cosmetics Act defines cosmetics as products intended to cleanse or beautify (such as shampoos and lipsticks). While some products (eg, moisturizing products) can be used to diagnose, cure, relieve, treat or prevent disease or affect the structure or function of the body (eg, sunscreens and acne creams), a separate category exists for sunscreens and anti-dandruff washes Hair water is regulated in both categories.

Skin Care,Body Scrub,Hair Removal Cream,Hair Removal Wax


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