Will change the color of the smart label food freshness to see the label will know

With the continuous improvement of consumer food safety awareness, food labels have become the focus of attention. Through the label, we can get information about food. It is understood that the Japanese design studio TO-GENKYO has invented a smart label with a special coating. This label will change color due to changes in ammonia concentration, which in turn will identify the freshness of the food.

Buying food We often rely on viewing the expiration date on food packaging to grasp the freshness of the food, but in recent years a new food packaging and labeling technology is under development. Smart labels can show different temperatures and gases in the packaging under different temperatures and gases. Color change, but also a reference index of food freshness, as long as consumers pay attention to the color of the label will be able to know the freshness of food!

The Japanese design studio TO-GENKYO has developed a smart color-changing label that recognizes freshness from the concept of expired food labels. They believe that the expiration date of food labels is susceptible to counterfeiting, and that ammonia is produced when ingredients do not become fresh over time. Gas, which has been invented with a special coating of smart labels, can change color due to changes in ammonia concentration.

The TO-GENKYO smart label is designed as a funnel pattern. The label contains the basic information of the food and the product barcode. When the freshness of the food gradually changes, the hourglass pattern will gradually turn dark blue from white, whether it is purchased at the store, or even After returning home, you can see if the ingredients are fresh just by looking at the label colors. In 2013, a food packaging company in Scotland, Insignia Technologies, developed another food smart label that will change color due to changes in carbon dioxide and temperature in the package. It can be used as a measure of the freshness of foods purchased after opening, leaving Just opened on the label. , Use soon, Past best, and other discolored blocks, show the current fresh state of the food through the color, can remind the people to eat the food in the fresher state, and then reduce the family's food waste.

The biggest advantage of smart color-changing labels is that smart color-changing labels assist in mastering food freshness in a more scientific way than standard date labels. If smart labels in the future can be used as a scientific basis for whether food should be discarded, it may be more effective in reducing food waste.

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