This salt spray test chamber utilizes a salt solution to accelerate the corrosion of materials or products under the environment of a certain temperature and relative humidity to reproduce the degree of damage suffered by the materials or products within a certain time range. The equipment can be used to evaluate the ability of materials and their protective layers to resist salt spray corrosion, and to compare the process quality of similar protective layers. It can also be used to evaluate the ability of some products to resist salt spray corrosion.
There are four places in the salt spray test chamber where water needs to be added, namely the box body, the water seal, the brine tank, and the saturated bucket. If the user's company permits, the manufacturer recommends the use of purified water, distilled water or deionized water everywhere. There are also customers who ca n’t realize it because of the limited conditions, and can also handle it flexibly. For example: the tank and water seal can be replaced by tap water, but the brine tank and the saturated bucket must use pure water. Why do you have to use pure water in the saturation tank of the salt spray test chamber?
The saturated bucket is used to preheat the air to filter impurities. If tap water is used instead of pure water, the saturated bucket will scale, block, and rust for a long time, causing the saturated bucket to not work properly or be unusable.
According to the Yashilin after-sales service department, customers often pour salt water into the saturated buckets, which causes the saturated buckets to rust and become unusable. Please operate according to the instructions and the training requirements of the commissioning personnel. The service life of the test box is infinitely extended.

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