The process color is a color composed of different percentages of C (cyan), M (magenta), Y (yellow), and K (black), so it is more reasonable to call it a mixed color. C, M, Y, K are the commonly used printing four primary colors. In the printing, these four colors have their own color version, the dots of this color are recorded on the color plate, and the four color plates are combined to form the original color. In fact, the four printed color dots on the paper are separated, only the distance is very close, because our eyes can only be limited in resolution, so we can't distinguish them. The visual image we get is a mixture of colors, so a variety of different primary colors occur. Y, M, and C can be composed of almost all colors, but black is also required. Since the black color generated by Y, M, and C is impure, a more pure black color is required for printing. The electronic files used for printing must be four-color files (ie C, M, Y, K), and files in RGB color format cannot be used for print output. keep in mind!!
Color separation is a printing term that refers to the decomposition of various colors on an original into four primary colors: yellow, magenta, cyan, and black. In computer printing planning or graphic planning software, color separation is The color form of the scanned picture or other originated picture is transformed into the CMYK form. The general scanned picture is in RGB form, and the picture taken with a digital camera is also in RGB form. Most of the pictures downloaded from the Internet are in RGB color form. If you want to print, it is necessary to carry out color separation, which is divided into red, yellow, magenta, cyan and black. This is the requirement of printing. If the color form of the picture is RGB or Lab, it is possible to output as long as there is a dot on the K version, that is, the RIP interpretation only interprets the color information of the picture as gray. In Photoshop, the color separation operation is actually very simple: you only need to convert the color form of the picture from RGB form or Lab form to CMYK form. Thus the color of the picture is indicated by the colorant (ink), with a channel of 4 colors. When the picture is output, the screen will generate the dots according to the channel data of the color, and divide the four pieces of red, yellow, magenta, cyan and black.
In color separation, when the picture is transferred from RGB to CMYK, the naked eye can see that some colors on the screen will change significantly. What is the reason? What effect does it have on the color of the picture?
When the picture is changed from RGB color form to CMYK color form, some gorgeous colors on the picture will change significantly. This change can sometimes be investigated significantly, and it will change from bright color to darker. color. This is because the color gamut of RGB is larger than the color gamut of CMYK, that is to say, some colors that can be indicated in the RGB color form are beyond the CMYK color scale after conversion to CMYK. These colors can only be used in the vicinity. Color instead. Therefore, these colors have undergone significant changes. When the printing factory manufactures electronic documents for printing, the online planning and printing channel prints the alliance network. The original file setting is the CMYK format, avoiding the use of RGB color forms, so as to avoid color errors in the color separation.
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