Studies show that eating large amounts of meat and cheese may be as harmful to health as smoking

Eating hamburgers or other forms of animal protein will increase the body's growth hormone levels. The author Valter Longo (director of the University of Southern California Longevity Research Institute) believes that in children, IGF-1 can help promote growth and development, but in adulthood, high levels of hormones are associated with increased risk of cancer and other elderly diseases Big.

Recognizing that IGF-1 is associated with increased mortality, Longo and his colleagues began to study ways to naturally reduce human hormone levels.

Longo told, "Our question is, 'Is it enough to reduce protein intake?'"

To analyze the impact of animal-based protein diets on mortality, the researchers used data collected by the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) for 6381 adults over 50 years of age. They divided everyone into three groups: people who consumed 20% of daily calories from protein; people who consumed 10-20% of daily calories from protein; and people who consumed less than 10% of protein in their diet.

"We see the same impact as imagined," Longo said. "We found that the population with low protein intake is very different, and the overall mortality, cancer and diabetes patients have declined."

Overall, during the study period, people with high protein levels in the diet were 4 times more likely to die from cancer than people with low protein levels, and 74% more likely to die from other causes.

The researchers also studied the effects of a low-protein diet on a group of mice, and analyzed how low or high protein played a role in preventing the development of melanoma and breast cancer.

"We start with established cancers, but in 10% to 30% of animals, a low-protein diet can prevent cancer development, which we did not expect," Longo said. "We anticipate that progress will slow, but it may not necessarily ensure this effect: even if 20,000 cancer cells were injected, these cancer cells did not actually appear in 30% of the mice, but disappeared,"

They also pointed out that a low-protein diet can reduce IGF-1 in mice, and the researchers believe that this may be the reason for the protective effect of this diet.

Longo pointed out, "If your IGF-1 is low ... the cells will be protected from DNA damage."

But high animal-based protein content in the diet seems to be harmful to health, but the risk of bean-based plant-based protein does not seem to be so great. However, people who have a high plant protein content in their diets will still triple their chances of dying from cancer, and the overall increase in mortality is not very obvious.

"Plant protein has a different amino acid combination than animal protein. All plant proteins are not the same. Each plant has a different combination," Longo said. "We have learned that for some of them, the combination will be lower. IGF-1 ... and other genes that contribute to geriatric or other age-related diseases. "

But Longo pointed out that after entering middle age, some people will find that the injection of a diet rich in animal protein has a protective effect. From the age of 64, the body's IGF-1 has a natural decrease trend, resulting in weight loss and weakening of the body. This situation is very dangerous for people who are already eating low protein.

"We think that after 65 years of age, it may be better to eat more foods with lower protein content to increase protein intake, especially those who begin to lose weight and start with lower IGF-1," Longo He also pointed out that during people's aging process, the body may not be able to digest and absorb proteins very efficiently. "But this is not a problem for people whose intake is already at a medium to high level."

Longo recommends that generally 9-10% of daily calories should be obtained from protein, which is .36 grams per pound of body weight. For example, it is safe to consume 36 grams of protein per day at a weight of 100 pounds, and 72 grams of protein per day at a weight of 200 pounds, so as not to increase the risk of cancer or general death. USDA data shows that a measuring cup of chicken contains about 43 grams of protein.

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