Many people complain that credit card withdrawals are too difficult. After reading a lot of strategies, I think that credit cards need to be brushed to raise the amount as soon as possible. In fact, it is not the case that credit cards need to be swiped at high-rate POS machines to help raise the amount. On the contrary, it is not good for the low-rate pos machine to swipe the card.
According to industry regulations, the credit card rates for different merchants are different. According to the current rate standard, the fee for card-based merchants is 1.25%; the fee for merchants in department stores is 0.78%; the fee for supermarkets is 0.38%; for public goods is 0%.
The credit card processing fee will be borne by the merchant, and the income will be apportioned among the issuing banks, UnionPay and acquirer. Therefore, credit card holders spend money on high-rate merchants, and the bank's fee income is high. Banks certainly hope that cardholders will spend more on such merchants.
Cardholders often let banks make money. In turn, banks are more willing to approve the application for cardholders.
In summary, if you want to increase the amount, you can use the high-rate POS machine to swipe your card at restaurants, entertainment, hotels and other types of merchants.
Which merchants need to brush less?
Merchants in real estate, automotive and public welfare have no points for credit card transactions, and POS rates are lower.
In addition, credit card cash withdrawals, payment of tuition fees and other stored value payment transactions, some online transactions, etc. also have no points, it is recommended to brush less.
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