Color digital printing press impacts traditional printing methods

Higher speed, lower single page cost, digital press challenge offset press

In 1998, manufacturers of digital presses announced that digital presses have become more and more accepted as problems such as speed, resolution, and cost per page have been resolved. At the same time, manufacturers introduced Xeikon's digital presses with a speed of 100 pages/minute and an accuracy of 600 pi, and Indigo's high-speed, 800 dpi, 7-color digital presses. In addition, Heidelberg-Kodak's NexPress presses and Elcorsy's rotary digital presses were also introduced to the market in 1999.

The high-end color digital press market will undergo major changes in the next year or two. Several important factors that have caused this change include: higher printing speeds, higher quality images and texts, growing maturity of high-end variable-data printing software, increasing market demand for personalization, and sufficient, The emergence of well-trained technicians and designers.

Xeikon Research In the fall of 1998, Xeikon published a research report that analyzed the cost, production efficiency, and profitability of color on-demand printing technology. This report compares the Xeikon DCP/32D and Xeikon DCP/50D digital presses with Heidelberg's Quickmaster DI 46-4 and Speedmaster 52-4 presses. The prints include postcards, data sheets and an 8-page booklet. And a 28-page product catalog.

The research report shows that when the number of prints is 1,000 or more, the cost of using a digital press is lower than that of using an offset press. Thanks to its advantages in short-run printing, Xeikon's DCP/50D digital press is able to take 60% more work than Heidelberg's Quickmaster DI when printing an average of 750 copies.

In addition, Xeikon's DCP/50D digital presses had higher operating revenues than Heidelberg's Quickmaster DI and Speedmaster 52-4 when printing 1,000 copies.

The study found that the 950 copies were the best print cut-off point for the Xeikon digital press and the Quickmater DI press.

The study believes that the color on-demand printing market using various technologies will increase by 50% in 2000 to reach $9.4 billion. Among them, the color digital printing market will grow 75% to reach $3.9 billion

The study concluded that the on-demand printing market will grow rapidly and hit the long-run offset printing market. It is estimated that from 1997 to 2000, the annual growth rate of color on-demand printing is 14%, which includes digital printing and offset printing.

The study believes that the color printing market will be like the black and white printing market, and digital printing will occupy a huge market share that originally belonged to offset printing. With the increase in the speed and cost of digital presses, the competitiveness of long-printing prints will continue to increase.

Xeikon claims that its current users have an average of more than 100,000 impressions per month, usually double-sided printing. The break-even point for this press is between 50,000 and 60,000 impressions per month. In addition, the cost per page is about one quarter of four years ago.

Indigo looks ahead to the future Indigo announced that it will launch its UltraStream digital press in 1999. The machine is a 7-high press with a print speed of 4,000 pages per hour and 4 colors A3 size prints. Its front end is a Pentium computer running NT, with a 36G RAID hard disk array as virtual memory, to match the printing speed of the machine so that it can be continuously printed, not limited by the capacity of the print.

Like previous Indigo digital presses, UltraStream also supports automatic double-sided, electronic inspection and Indigo's Yours Truly personality. Although Indigo did not disclose its price information, it is estimated that UltraStream is higher than TurboStream's price, which is more than 399,000 US dollars.

Indigo also added enough buffering capacity on TurboStream to support the continuous operation of the machine, rather than using the batch mode as before.

It's a blessing to see Indigo collaborate with other RIP and variable data software developers. The company only offers full Indigo software packages with E-Pip and Yours Truly personalization software, offering other options that will enable printers to quickly use variable data using familiar process flow and better variable data programs Instead of generating a page file at once, and static data composition.

OEM Sales Both Xerox and IBM have introduced their own new machines, which are OEM products based on Xeikon's digital presses with a speed of 100 pages per minute. Xerox's DocuColor 100 digital press prints 18-inch wide, 2-up format, and 100 double-sided printing speeds per minute. The DocuColor 70, which is smaller than the company, increases productivity by 50%.

The new machine's cost of consumable materials is less than 20 cents per side, and the company claims to be 2 to 5 times cheaper than offset printing at less than 500 impressions.

At the end of 1998 and the beginning of 1999, the equipment began to be installed and displayed in small batches. Its basic configuration price was more than $550,000.

According to Xerox, the company's DocuColor 40 digital press (a variant of the color copier) was installed in the company's internal printing plant at 55%, 35% from the fast printer, and 10% from the commercial printer. This shows that DocuColor 40 is basically used as a short-run printing, not for variable data printing, because the internal printing company only serves the company.

According to Xerox, about 80% of the DocuColor 70s sold are purchased by commercial printers, 15% by fast printers, and 5% by internal printers. DocuColor 70 is more suitable for commercial short-run printing and variable data printing because of its higher printing speed. Due to the higher productivity of the new DocuColor 100, the company hopes that it will quickly replace DocuColor 70 as the main equipment for commercial printing.

Xerox said that a major application of the DocuColor 100 is the printing of product catalogs, brochures, and statements.

IBM's InfoPrint Color 100, with a print width of 457mm, has a 64GB processor that can store 2,000 to 20,000 compressed page information files. The price of this equipment is 590,000 US dollars. It can print 100 copies of A4 size prints per minute and the maximum print volume per month is 700,000 copies.

Conclusion 1999 was a very important year for Xeikon and Indigo, both preparing for the entry into the digital press market in 2000. Xeikon's goal is to continue to reduce the cost per page, Xerox and the company is pushing its DocuColor 100

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