As one of the most widely used forms of packaging in the world, blister packaging is now completely made of cardboard. The new packaging form has two main benefits, namely, reducing environmental impact and reducing consumer anger and self-harm. The blister pack can be hung on a stand in a retail store, typically consisting of a cardboard backing and a molded clear plastic front part, for displaying the product to consumers. As a Norwegian material reprocessing company, the ingeniously designed Cefapac packaging by Moltzaus not only enhances the environmental benefits of packaging, but also facilitates easy opening. It has also won numerous awards.
“Our development work has two starting points: environmental impact and ease of opening,†explains Eirik Faukland, packaging specialist at Moltzau responsible for R&D. “Plastic blister packaging is extremely difficult to open. To solve this well-known problem, our basic concept is to replace plastic with cardboard. The uniqueness of the Cefapac solution is that we chose to replace all traditional creases with perforations in order to achieve the ideal Turn on the effect."
However, when the perforation replaces the crease, there is a risk that the blister packaging will not adequately protect the inside product. Therefore, it is important to choose which kind of paperboard to use.
"The superior tear strength of Invercote is a prerequisite for creating high-quality packaging," said Faukland. "The strength of the board and its performance in different stages of processing and filling are critical." Another advantage of the new package, he said, is that compared to filling lines that use creased stock.
Moltzau's current packaging piercing allows customers to increase the speed of filling the production line.
Swix, the world's leading ski wax manufacturer, is currently using Cefapacs to package some of its wax products and plans to expand the trial. Other products that are packaged and marketed using Cefapacs are medical dressings and over-the-counter medicines that treat wounds. Cefapac was awarded the Scandinavian Packaging Award "Scanstar" in autumn 2015 and will receive the "WorldStar" award from the World Packaging Organization in 2017. .
Eirik Faukland, the designer of the packaging, was also warmly praised by representatives from the Swedish and Norwegian Rheumatism Associations who represented the rheumatologists. These associations actively encourage the packaging industry to develop more easily opened packaging forms.
Photo caption: The ski wax launched by the world's leading company Swix uses an easy-to-open plastic-free packaging. Manufacturers producing deodorants or skin creams want to use non-fossilized, renewable packaging materials.
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